BIOEASY Antibiotic Rapid Test Kits for MILK
Protect your milk safety from antibiotic residues, adulteration, mycotoxins and pesticides. Working as a partner with farmers and processors, Bioeasy has kept pace with the global testing requirements of the industry to ensure that milk and dairy products are among the world’s safest foods!

Meat & Seafood Rapid Test Kits
The RX misano brings the most modern analysis technology to honey producers and testing laboratories worldwide. Utilising the latest technology the RX misano is a fast and efficient analyser capable of gaining results in 8-15 minutes. Providing in-depth analysis to overall product quality.
Evidence Investigator
The Evidence Investigator is a multi-analyte semi-quantitative drug residue and toxin screening analyser. Using Biochip Array Technology, the Evidence Investigator ensures screening food and feed for drug residues is accurate and efficient, offering laboratories comparable results to that of LC-MS/MS and other confirmatory methods. The Investigator can be used to screen a variety of matrices including meat, seafood, honey, milk, feed, cereals and urine

Evidence MultiSTAT
The Evidence MultiSTAT is available for use with the customisable InfiniPlex for Milk Array offering one million possible combinations for analysis, delivering fast, accurate analysis of milk with results for the most extensive test menu on the market.
The MultiSTAT is a fully automated immunoanalyser that enables on-site simultaneous detection of contaminants from one raw milk sample. It requires a small sample volume and generates results for 43 compounds in under 30 minutes.
The analyser is perfect for dairy processors, low throughput labs or farm level testing.
The MultiSTAT is a fully automated immunoanalyser that enables on-site simultaneous detection of contaminants from one raw milk sample. It requires a small sample volume and generates results for 43 compounds in under 30 minutes.
The analyser is perfect for dairy processors, low throughput labs or farm level testing.