Plant Pesticides Rapid Test Kits
Working as a partner with farmers and processors, Bioeasy has kept pace with the global testing requirements of the industry to ensure that Plants based products are among the world’s safest foods!
• The Bioeasy family of milk antibiotics rapid tests, offer a wide ranges of products to the market, covering nearly all of the antibiotics.
• Rapid tests available to meet EU, Russian, Australia and American standards
• A complete line of incubators and readers
• Positive and negative controls for quality insurance of testing procedures
• The Bioeasy family of milk antibiotics rapid tests, offer a wide ranges of products to the market, covering nearly all of the antibiotics.
• Rapid tests available to meet EU, Russian, Australia and American standards
• A complete line of incubators and readers
• Positive and negative controls for quality insurance of testing procedures

EZprep 123 For Dioxin, PCB & PBDE Analysis
After 30 years of leading automation in the field of Dioxin & PCBs analysis, FMS introduces EZprep 123 to further simplify the dioxin sample preparation process and make it easier to perform. The EZprep 123’s impressive performance allows Dioxin labs to reduce turnaround time and increase quality of the analysis while reducing the cost.
PLE Pressurized Liquid Extraction
Pressurized Fluid Extraction (PFE) or Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE) is a new sample extraction method that employs liquid solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures to prepare samples for analysis by either gas chromatography or liquid chromatography. Pressurized liquid extraction is similar to Soxhlet extraction, except that during the extraction process the solvent condition inside the PLE cell approaches the supercritical region which results in more efficient extractions. The elevated temperature allows the sample to become more soluble and achieve a higher diffusion rate while the elevated pressure keeps the solvent below its boiling point. At elevated pressures and temperatures solvents can penetrate solid samples more efficiently which reduces solvent usage.

Solid Phase Extraction Systems
The TurboTrace PFC SPE system is a fully automated sample preparation system that will run up to 6 samples simultaneously for analyzing perfluorinated compounds in waste water. The system is a green technique that provides consistent, reproducible results and eliminates sample reruns. It incorporates vacuum or positive pressure pump to load samples for compliance with all SPE methods. It uses positive pressure pumping for precise and accurate delivery of conditioning, washing and elution solvents. The TurboTrace PFC SPE system is specifically designed to isolate analytes of interest from a wide variety of liquid matrices such as urine, blood, water, milk, beverages. Sample sizes range from 2 mL to 8 L and use the same bottle the sample was collected in. Sample loading rates are programmable. A vacuum or positive pressure pump is used to load samples onto the SPE cartridges and columns at unprecedented speeds and it easily handles both clean and tough sample matrices. An liquid sensor detects when the sample has been loaded, triggering the system to initate next steps. The Sample Processing Module is designed to use all standard formats of SPE cartridges and columns on the market today. For guaranteed results, especially when dealing with low limits of detection, we recommend FMS prepacked cartridges.
Evidence Investigator
Pressurized Fluid Extraction (PFE) or Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE) is a new sample extraction method that employs liquid solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures to prepare samples for analysis by either gas chromatography or liquid chromatography. Pressurized liquid extraction is similar to Soxhlet extraction, except that during the extraction process the solvent condition inside the PLE cell approaches the supercritical region which results in more efficient extractions. The elevated temperature allows the sample to become more soluble and achieve a higher diffusion rate while the elevated pressure keeps the solvent below its boiling point. At elevated pressures and temperatures solvents can penetrate solid samples more efficiently which reduces solvent usage.